Sunday, February 24, 2013

Slavery: The USS Constellation

In the 1830's, the US Navy created the African Squadron. Its' mission was to prevent Africans from being taken by slave ships to the United States where they would be traded into slavery. This slave trafficking was illegal in the United States and could be punishable by death. The USS Constellation was a part of the African Squadron in the late 1850's and early 1860's. The link below is to a History Channel video about the USS Constellation and its' fight against illegal slave trade in 1859-60. At times the treatment of the Africans can be difficult to watch, but the video does a very good job of showing both the brutality of slavery and the difficulties it presented.

 USS Constellation: Battling for Freedom

Monday, February 11, 2013

An Interesting Article on Florida

The link below is to an article in yesterday's Newsday. It is about the 500 year anniversary of Ponce de Leon's first exploration of Florida. The state has a number of events planned to mark the occasion.

 Florida-Newsday Article